Fairbanks, AK

Fairbanks, AK


Fairbanks Neighborhood Housing Services

534 10th Avenue

Fairbanks, AK -

Monthly Rent

$650 - $700/month

Ratings & Reviews


About Fairbanks Neighborhood Housing Services

Fairbanks Neighborhood Housing Services is a grassroots organization of neighborhood residents, government officials and business leaders working together to revitalize neighborhoods and preserve and develop affordable housing for low-and moderate-income families.
Through the collaboration of residents and business leaders, government and nonprofit partners, the Fairbanks HomeOwnership Center offers all of the services and training that you need to shop for, purchase, rehabilitate, insure, maintain and manage your home. Our goal is to increase home ownership and revitalize neighborhoods.
The Fairbanks HomeOwnership Center is part of the NeighborWorks network, a national network of communitybased organizations revitalizing communities through the work of thousands of residents, business people, governments officials and other partners.

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According to our records, monthly rent at Fairbanks Neighborhood Housing Services is between $650 - $700/month.

Income Based
Apr 10, 2023

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