Clayton, CA

Clayton, CA


Diamond Terrace Apartments Clayton

6401 Center St

Clayton, CA - 94517

Monthly Rent

$749 - $749/month

Ratings & Reviews


About Diamond Terrace Apartments Clayton

Office Hours: Monday-Saturday 8:00AM to 5:00PM
Meal Service
Emergency Alert Response System in Each Residence
Emergency Maintenance
Free Transportation to Local Shopping & Appointments
Personal Laundering Facilities Available at No Charge
Activity Program and Social Opportunities
Private Dining Room
Workout Room
Library & Computer Center
Arts & Crafts Room
Theatre Room
Country Store
Beauty/Barber Shop
Large, High Definition Plasma TV with Surorund Sound for Movie & TV Viewing
Guest are Welcome to Join You for Meals, Social Events & Trips
Beautifully Manicured Grounds
Great Location in a Small Friendly Town Setting with Open Space Nearby

Photo Gallery

Pictures of Diamond Terrace Apartments Clayton


According to our records, monthly rent at Diamond Terrace Apartments Clayton is between $749 - $749/month.

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