Grand Rapids, MI

Grand Rapids, MI


Allen Manor

532 James St SE

Grand Rapids, MI - 49503



Monthly Rent

$0 - $0/month

Ratings & Reviews


About Allen Manor

Apartment Features:
Cable TV access
Modern appliances
Air conditioner with remote control
Baseboard heat
Individual thermostat control
Double bedroom closet, linen closet
Full bath
Carpeting in living room, bedroom
Vinyl flooring in kitchen, bath
Smoke detectors
Community Features:
Rent based on income
Heat, water and trash pick-up included
Friendly, courteous staff
Locked main entrance/key tab intercom system
Two barrier-free units
Community room with TV
Computer access
Laundry facilities
Locked mailboxes
Monthly birthday parties include a catered meal
Blood pressure checks, foot care
Income tax assistance

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